Dr. Maro: Know the signs of pain in pets

Original article on timesonline.com
By: Dr. Cynthia Maro

A frequent question I field from pet owners is, “How can I tell if my pet is in pain?” 

An even more common statement my colleagues and I hear in our offices is, “I don’t believe my pet is in pain because she isn’t crying.” 

September is National Animal Pain Awareness Month. The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) chose to highlight signs of pain in pets during the same month that their human medical counterparts are focusing on pain awareness in people. 

Why is awareness and understanding of the signs and manifestations so important? The answer lies in the following: 

  1. The experience of pain varies between individuals. 

  2. The intensity and duration of pain can be very different following identical injuries and procedures. 

  3. Identification of signs of pain is the first step in helping patients. 

  4. Monitoring effectiveness of pain management drugs and therapies is important for all health care providers and caretakers, especially when treating individuals who cannot verbally communicate their needs. This includes the animals veterinarians care for and pet owners advocate for. 

  5. Because chronic pain can come on slowly and progress with subtle signs, people often overlook pain signs until they become advanced. Nobody wants to hear “your pet is pain and you didn’t notice”.

  6. Aging is not a disease. Slowing down and moving more slowly does not happen because of age. It occurs because of degenerative diseases that are often characterized by pain. So, if your pet is moving slower, please don’t tell yourself “she’s just old”. Go to the vet and find out what is causing the pain and decline, and do yourself and your pet a favor: Get treatment for your companion.

Here are the most common signs of pain in pets that you can learn to monitor: 

  1. Hiding or being less social. 

  2. Decreased activity, more resting or sleeping. 

  3. Reluctance to go up or down steps or jump onto surfaces. 

  4. Change in posture or gait, lameness. 

  5. Change in voiding or bathroom habits, going out of the litter box. 

  6. Change in behavior.  

  7. Refusal to go for walks. 

  8. Overgrooming areas on the body. 

  9. Skipping or refusing meals. 

So how does your vet figure out if your pet has pain and where it is coming from? By examining the following signs during physical examination: 

  1. Observation of demeanor. 

  2. Response to palpation of organs. 

  3. Gait observation and joint and spinal range of motion testing. 

  4. Spinal palpation. 

  5. Observation of eye and ear positions and posture at rest and while moving. 

What can vets offer to help manage pain? The first goal is to determine the underlying cause of pain through diagnostic testing: 

  1. Blood work. 

  2. X-rays. 

  3. Ultrasound.

  4. CT. 

  5. MRI. 

  6. Urinalysis. 

After diagnosis, specific treatment will be recommended. As an example, if your pet has a bladder infection, antibiotics may be prescribed, along with pain medications, which include: 

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications; specific medications for pets are available. Never use your pain meds, especially not aspirin, ibuprofen, and Tylenol.   

  2. Steroidal anti-inflammatories. 

  3. Antispasmodic drugs, which decrease muscle spasms, like methocarbamol may be prescribed.

  4. In cases of extreme pain, such as a spinal fracture or very invasive surgery, opiates may be administered short term. 

Other methods of pain control are available and may be offered with or without traditional pain medications. These include: 

  1. Hot or cold compresses. 

  2. Laser therapy. 

  3. Photonic light therapy. 

  4. Acupuncture. 

  5. Therapeutic massage with or without essential oils. 

  6. Physical therapy. 

  7. Animal chiropractic. 

  8. Therapeutic ultrasound. 

  9. Sanawave therapy. 

  10. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. 

  11. Therapeutic herbs. 

  12. Oral or topical hemp and CBD- (not THC) containing products. 

The bottom line on pain in animals is that if you see signs of pain, such as isolating or refusing food or activities, visit your veterinary office. Do not expect to receive pain medications without a diagnosis. The vet will offer a plan to get an accurate and specific diagnosis.  

If your vet cannot find the source of pain, she may refer you for further testing or to see a specialist. When a diagnosis is made, the condition and the pain will be treated and managed. And you and your pet can rest easier.

Phil Rotstein