Benefits of Pet Ownership: 6 Reasons Why You Should Adopt A Pet

Original article
Jihad Dardar

In 2018, more than 470 million dogs and 373 million cats were kept as pets around the world. If you are thinking about bringing home an animal but have concerns about expenses or messes, rest assured that there are plenty of reasons why you should adopt a pet. 

Pet owners across the globe can all agree on the many positive effects that come with caring for a furry friend. Animals are creatures that are just as important as human beings for the survival and preservation of our world.

Besides getting to live with a loyal friend, having a pet in your home can provide you and your family members with several benefits for your mind, body, and soul as well as give you a unique adventure of a lifetime.

Most pet owners consider their animals to be their best friend and a part of the family, which shows you how much spiritual value animals have and how strongly they can impact your life.

Owning a pet is a great responsibility that should not be approached lightly, but one that is endlessly rewarding. If you have the time, resources, and heart required to adopt a pet but are still hesitant about doing so, here are six reasons why you should take the chance.

Giving an innocent creature a chance at life

One of the most important reasons why you should adopt a pet is the fact that you are giving an innocent, pure creature the chance to have a beautiful life. 

Stray animals are threatened every day by their surroundings and environment. They are exposed to hunger, thirst, exposure to the elements, fear, abuse from humans, and fights with other animals.

It is sad but true that we can’t save all the animals around us. Regardless, there are many ways that we can help minimize animal abuse and care for animals in need as well as spread awareness about the issues animals face.

Caring for an animal gives them a better life by providing a loving and nurturing environment that helps them grow and stay healthy. Giving another creature a chance at life will also enrich our purpose in life.

Combating isolation and reducing loneliness

An adopted animal can easily become your best friend. Your pet will stick with you through thick and thin, never judge you, keep you company, and make your days brighter when things are not going well.

Besides being great companions themselves, animals can also help you establish better relationships and make friends. 

Pets allow you to connect with other animal lovers, with whom you will have a range of subjects to talk about, from your pet’s funny moments to sharing photos of how adorable they are. Your shared love for the adorable creatures can be the start of a great friendship.

Improving physical health 

Owning and taking care of animals such as dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds, and more will encourage you to be more active. Taking your pet for a walk, training them, or playing with them can strengthen your physical health and lower your blood pressure.

Cleaning up after your pet, vacuuming hair from the carpet, and wiping up spills might not sound too pleasant, but these things all help you stay active and indulge in light exercise that can do wonders for your health.

Studies have also shown that your pet might even help you get a good night’s sleep. By cuddling with our pets, we feel more secure, warm, and safe, which helps lower stress levels and help us fall asleep faster and longer.

Improving mental health

There are many studies that have shown that owning a pet can significantly improve your mental health by reducing symptoms of depression, which is a great reason why you should adopt a pet. 

Not only do pets offer loyalty and companionship and give you a reason to get up in the morning, but many people also find it therapeutic to verbalize their problems and issues to a non-judgemental listener.

It is not surprising to find that most pet owners talk to their pets. Of course, they are not expecting a reply or for their pet to talk back, but it encourages venting and not keeping emotions bottled up, and talking out loud about what bothers them often yields clarity.

Unconditional love

One of the greatest reasons why you should own a pet is that they provide us with unconditional love and endless affection, something that many people lack with family and friends and search for in a partner.

Studies have also shown that spending time with your pet, playing with them, petting them, or just having them around can increase the level of oxytocin, known as the love hormone, in both the owner and the pet. This helps both the pet and the owner feel loved. A strong bond with an animal can help reduce anxiety, stress, and symptoms of depression.

Pets are naturally loyal creatures and they will always be there for you at the end of the day, no matter how hard life gets, which is something that you might not find in other people.

Besides, it is always nice to come home after a long day to your excited pet that missed you and happily offers you laughter and a warm cuddle buddy when you most need it. 

Because of their peaceful companionship and unconditional love, you will find that a lot of pet owners prefer the company of their furry friends over that of other people.

Becoming a better person

All the reasons why you should adopt a pet contribute to the overarching benefit of becoming a better person. 

When we care for our pets and give them love, we become more compassionate towards other animals and people. We also develop positive characteristics such as empathy, patience, and selflessness, especially when dealing with a sick or old animal.

Nowadays, we live in a world where we see and hear a lot of heartbreaking things about humans being cruel and selfish, causing conflicts, trauma, and harm. But it is hard to be selfish when you care for an animal because your pet relies on you to feed them, love them, and keep them alive and healthy, which teaches you to care for others without asking for anything in return.

There are many reasons why having an animal or two is beneficial, either by keeping life in balance or by being great companions. Just by talking to a fellow animal lover, you will notice the passion and happiness they feel when they talk about their favorite animal or the furry friend they have at home, which shows just how much value animals can add to your life.

Anyone who owns a pet can agree that bringing an animal into their life made a change in their lifestyle and helped them in many ways. There are many reasons why you should adopt a pet or at least be open to doing so—you will never know how much a furry, scaly, or feathery creature can change your life until you take the chance.

Phil Rotstein